Conquer C-Log 3: Effortless Color Correction and Grading in Premiere Pro | Canon R6ii, R6, R5, R8

Hey filmmakers! Having trouble wrangling C-Log 3 footage? Fear not! This blog post, accompanying our latest YouTube video, will equip you with a streamlined workflow for color correction and grading in Premiere Pro.

The Challenge: Uneven Exposures

Shooting in C-Log 3 offers incredible flexibility, but exposure inconsistencies can happen. We'll address this using LUTs (Look Up Tables) from a fantastic creator, Todd Dominey.

The Solution: Exposure Correction LUTs

  • Download Todd Dominey's LUT pack (link in video description).

  • These LUTs offer exposure adjustments for overexposed, underexposed, and properly exposed footage (e.g., "+3 stops," "-2 stops").

Applying Exposure Correction LUTs

  1. Import your C-Log 3 clips into Premiere Pro.

  2. Drag and drop the appropriate LUT (based on exposure) onto each clip.

Fine-Tuning for Accuracy

  • Experiment with different exposure LUTs to achieve the most accurate representation of your scene.

  • C-Log 3 footage tends to get noisy in the shadows when lifting them significantly. Consider overexposing slightly during filming to minimize noise.

Bonus Tip: Smart Adjustment Layers for Efficiency

  • Create Adjustment Layers in Premiere Pro for frequently used LUTs. This saves time compared to applying them individually to each clip.

Steps to Create Smart Adjustment Layers:

  1. Go to File > New > Item and choose Adjustment Layer.

  2. Drag the Adjustment Layer on top of your footage.

  3. Apply the desired LUT (e.g., exposure correction LUT) to the Adjustment Layer in the Lumetri Color panel.

  4. Adjust the opacity of the Adjustment Layer (around 60% for a subtle effect).

The Power of Smart Adjustment Layers

  • Once created, these Smart Adjustment Layers can be applied to any clip in your project, instantly correcting exposure.

Adding a Color Grade (Optional):

  • Explore LUTs for creative color grading. We recommend's LUT packs (link in video description).

  • Apply the desired color grading LUT to your Smart Adjustment Layer (adjusting opacity as needed).

Key Takeaways:

  • Leverage exposure correction LUTs to achieve consistent exposure across your C-Log 3 footage.

  • Smart Adjustment Layers are a game-changer for efficient LUT application.

  • Explore creative LUTs for personalized color grading.

Bonus Tip: Pre-Made Smart Adjustment Layers

  • Create Smart Adjustment Layers with different exposure correction and color grading LUTs for even faster workflow.

Call to Action:

  • Download Todd Dominey's LUT pack and explore's color grading LUTs here.

With this workflow, you'll transform your C-Log 3 footage into stunning visuals in no time. Happy color grading!


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