Hi, Iā€™m Bruno Pozo

I am a Bend, Oregon based videographer & marketing enthusiast. But my story starts back in Los Angeles.

From a young age, I was captivated by the power of movies and their ability to combine visual arts, music, literature, and performance. In high school, I spent summers making short films with friends, but the true turning point came in middle school.

Fast forward to 2020, amid the coronavirus outbreak. With a freshly earned Psychology degree and the world at a standstill, I reconnected with my middle school friend, Mateo Elvira, after over a decade. We discovered our shared passion for creating films and TV shows. Mateo introduced me to the idea of running a video marketing agency, so he quit his sales job, and together we founded Elvira Media.

We started with just our smartphones, managing social media for small businesses, and gradually upgraded to a full studio with professional cameras, lights, and audio gear.

When I moved to Bend, Oregon, with my partner, I decided to establish my own video production company, Pozo Production.

Now, I use my filmmaking passion and marketing expertise to help ambitious entrepreneurs build their personal brands with a video-led strategy.